Since our official Charter in 1974, the Inner Wheel Club of St. Marys, Ontario, is and has been active in fun and friendship and in community, District and National service, in every season. A small but mighty team, we meet monthly, except for July and August.
The St. Marys Inner Wheel Club during a working meeting in December of 2018. From the left: Marie Stevens,
Vicky Vine, June Cunningham, Denise Fergusson, Wendy Aitken, Nelda Oliver and Janet Uren.
Vicky Vine, June Cunningham, Denise Fergusson, Wendy Aitken, Nelda Oliver and Janet Uren.
We are especially proud of our own Charter Member Nelda Oliver, who served as Canada’s International Inner Wheel National Representative in 2016. She is shown here in Neepawa, Manitoba—during her national tour while visiting at the 2016 IIW District 555 'Fun & Friendship' AGM—with her husband Maurice Oliver (1930-2018), a distinguished Rotarian leader, of 50 years, who also served as a Rotary District Governor. |
St. Marys Club Photo Gallery of Service, Fun and Friendship!
Image Credits
Top Title Image Attribution:
Red Roses in the public domain from
All other photos from the archives of the St. Marys, Cobourg, Neepawa and Ottawa Inner Wheel Clubs
Top Title Image Attribution:
Red Roses in the public domain from
All other photos from the archives of the St. Marys, Cobourg, Neepawa and Ottawa Inner Wheel Clubs
© 2019 Inner Wheel Canada Website Development Committee